Wednesday, December 25, 2013


I hate to admit it, but I have been a real b°°° lately. It is something that I am extremely ashamed of. I cannot blame steroids anymore. I'm pretty sure those are well out of my system. So, I'm left questioning myself. Why am I acting this way?
The only answers I can think of so far are: fear and feeling overwhelmed. Fear of what? The unknown. And that is overwhelming. In the beginning I felt mentally and emotionally strong enough to take on anything! Now I'm a little over 2 months in and I see the cracks in my armor which worries me.
The bottom line is that I am worrying and letting things get to me too much. My God is big enough and strong enough to handle anything and everything! If He is for me, who can be against me? Who, or what, shall I fear!?
It's time I get out of this emotional/mental downward spiral and start fighting back with what I know is true:
I don't know the future- God does
I know I'm not strong enough- God is
I may feel absolutely on my own sometimes, and alone- God is right beside me.
"What ever is good, what ever is true, whatever is pleasing: meditate on these things."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Oh, appetite enhancer!

Oh, appetite enhancer!
Oh, appetite enhancer!!
How I dearly love thee! :)
I want to eat,
But don't need to eat.
The kitchen sink is safe for now :p
I know I obsess on my weight...
But I truly thank God (and the doctor) for thee!
Oh, appetite enhancer!
Oh, appetite enhancer!!
How I dearly love thee! :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Oh, the weight!

So, after going below 100 pounds, the doctor thinks it's a good idea to put me on an appetite enhancer. I couldn't agree more!! Hopefully now I can start looking and feeling more like my normal self. :) if I'm going to keep kicking butt, the least I can do is look good and feel good doing it! Here's to a New Year enjoining eating everything and the kitchen sink! :D

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Light at the end of the tunnel!

So glad that yesterday was my last day of needing to take steroids! I'm so done with the emotional roller coaster and feeling like there isn't a filter on my mind and mouth. So, grateful that I can start the chemo pills and start seeming off some of the other meds :) thank you everyone for all the prayers! I feel them boosting my spirits. :)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Here's to waking at the crack of dawn

Finding myself up at 2am again, thanks to the mega dose of steroids given during my last round of chemo... Feeling energized enough to clean my house. I don't think my family would appreciate it :p looks like I'll be doing some devotions and light reading again. :) if you're up to read this now, I strongly suggest you try and get some shut eye! I it's too early! Just saying :) good night, and God bless!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!! :)

The beautiful tree at waukesha memorial hospital oncology unit! Keith and I were privileged enough to help decorate it during a visit!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Just a few answers :)

So I met with the CTCA oncologist today. My cancer was found out to be a genetic mutation called the 'Ros 1 Rearrangement Mutation.' There isn't much info on it because it is more than extremely rare. It happens in less than 0.1% of people. The good news is that it is treatable. And there is a possibility of going into remission. :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 2- CTCA

On to day 2 at cancer treatment centers of America! Another full day: 8am- 3pm. Hoping I have energy to go back to the hotel after and fill out some Christmas cards :) maybe read a book... Or take a nap... :p who knows?  Maybe I'll catch up with a few friends over the phone for a few minutes. :) choices, choices, choices!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Early bird

Up bright and early (5:50am) to get a 2nd consult from cancer treatment centers in Zion, IL. :) here we go!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Little helper

Lookie who is helping mommy pack! Getting ready for a trip to Zion, I'll. For a second opinion from cancer treatment centers of America. :)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Support Stephanie

Thank you for visiting Stephanie's blog..If your here to make a donation please note the pay pal button on the right top side of blog. You may also visit any chase branch and give them account number 433701882.. Thank you for your generosity and prayers!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Hooray for Chemo Pills

Written by: Keith Polecastro

Found out some amazing news last night! The lung biopsy provided 2 matches for oral chemo pills! This means that I well have 1 more round if iv chemo this coming Friday and then will be making the switch to pills! I'm praying that the doctor is right and my side effects will be greatly reduced. I'm looking forward to having more energy and having my appetite back :) thanks Again everyone for ask the prayers, love and support. God bless! :)

Having Fun

Written by: Stephanie Polecastro

Look who had too much fun at the hospital while visiting me :p thank you Keith and uncle David! Not only did you put a smile on my face, but you made every nurse and CNA that read my board smile too:)
    Look who had too much fun at the hospital while visiting me :p thank you Keith and uncle David! Not only did you put a smile on my face, but you made every nurse and CNA that read my board :)

December 5, 2013

Written By: Stephanie Polecastro

Hooray for being pain free for the past 16 hours! I know I still have the pain patch on, but I'm not taking any additional narcotics or over the counter pain meds 
:) I'm feeling better! Thank God!


November 22, 2013

Written by: Keith Polecastro

Chemo was delayed from previous date.  She has had her final radiation and is having first chemotherapy today. Please keep her in your prayers so she will have hardly any side effects.

Update on Steph 11/13/2013

Written by: Keith Polecastro

Steph will be  getting a port put in for Chemotherapy  tomorrow.  She will then have her first Chemotherapy Infusion on Friday.  She is still in upbeat spirits. 

Starting Treatments 11/8/2013

Written by Keith Polecastro: 

Today (11/8/2013) she started  radiation treatment. This is for small tumors in her brain. Things are looking up although she may lose her hair. That's ok, she'll always be beautiful to me. 

November 1, 2013

After many weeks of scans, pokes and prods, on November 1, 2013, she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. It shocked us, anyone we told, and even the doctors. Her fighting spirit emerged as she told one doctor, "I already have this beat. My body just doesn't know it yet."

My Journey

My name is Stephanie Polecastro. I am 28 years old,  a new wife and a fairly new mommy. My wonderful husband's name is Keith and we have a sweet little boy named Johnny who is 18 months old. On November 1st of this year I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. My family and I were all in a state of shock. I mean I had never smoked in my life or had any family history of this illness. Since my diagnosis a lot has happened in my life. I have been poked, prodded and had every test known to man done.  I just completed my first round of radiation and have gone through one round of chemo. My spirits are high and I believe in my soul that my body will beat this cancer. I will live to grow old with my husband, live to watch my baby boy grow to be a man and just simply LIVE. I believe with the prayer and support of family, friends and even strangers I will win this battle. We have mounting medical costs and with the continued costs we face we can't fight this battle without help. Any contribution you can make is greatly needed and appreciated beyond measure. I will be posting as often as I can to update and keep everyone informed on my progress..Please keep in mind some of my posts are retroactive as I am using a new blog and have just transferred over previous posts so they can all be in the same place.  God Bless you and Thank you for your prayers and support!
